Allie & Annie

Taliah, Jared, Anneke
We were watching the buffs to make sure they didn't wander on to the road. That was our "rodeo" day. We spent all day getting them rounded up and back to their own pasture.

Jason, Jim and Jeremy gutting turkeys in the yard.

Jared on the trampoline at Uncle John & Aunt Melanie's

Sweet times with Uncle Arnie

An amazing evening with Mr. & Mrs. Finnamore

Taliah had her first manicure by her cousin Lacey.
She also lost her first tooth that week.

Reading glasses

Shooting blow darts with Uncle Scott

Anneke & Taliah

Aiden's U8 Soccer team

Uncle Andrew's singing "Bill Harlan's Goat."

Alethia likes to play dress up.

Twin Time
So, the green grass and the long shadows look delicious, Annie and Allie look like they pray very well with their heads bowed and I love the big safety pin in the back of one of their pants on the last pic. Love ya!