Wednesday, November 3, 2010


1. MONDAY Even though Monday was the day that the Lord had made, it went poorly for me. I woke up on the wrong side of bed, had sore muscles (Sarah!:) and felt overwhelmed and behind and inadequate for any of my responsibilities. I don't know why; it was just bad. I cried a lot. I moped a little. I still managed an Ephesians 6:18 for a certain family who asked me to. I vented to Jason (God bless him). The only point I have in sharing this in a post is that loads of blogs I read tell all about their latest super creative creation or cutest kid moments or could be published as a devotional book (Jon!:). I realize that a blog's purpose should be for edification. I'm wondering if anyone would be edified to know that a daughter of the King sometimes feels lost or buried. And how to get through it. Before the sun went down I apologized to Jason. I listened to Revelation song loudly several times in a row and wrote some lyrics on the message board. I told my kids it was because I wanted to start the next day in a better frame of mind and attitude. We prayed together. I wrote out ANOTHER general flow of the day plan to try. I went ahead and worked on my jobs and spent some time in the sun. Jason prayed "that we would be able to find a rhythm by Friday." :) Tomorrow was another day.

2. THE WEATHER It's November in Nebraska. We wore tank tops and barefeet for a bike ride up and down our sandy road. We got sweaty. The dog and cat are finally getting along and don't need babysitting. Can I just say, Hallelujah?! ( a little Hebrew lingo )

3. NPR I heard this great story the other day. They reported that a sweeping new survey had been done of religious people. Research has found that the deeply religious are overwhelmingly more satisfied with life, healthy, peaceful and secure. Here is the commentator's interpretation: she noticed that a lot of the deeply religious people are also better off financially. She concluded that the "rich" people were probably already more at peace in life because of their riches; their religion was just a side note. I think she forgot to go back and read that sweeping survey of how satisfying riches are(n't) to their owners.

4. And . . . we've moved! We are so blessed to have found a home in the country. Y'know, maybe I should blog about all the earthy, back-to-nature things we'll be doing now that we live here. But that would be too perfect.