Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Older Holidays

The Labor Day crew of laborers

Visiting Aunt Liz and Great Grams in MT

Girls' Night (I'm sorry, Sarah)

Pulling Taffy

Thanksgiving in KC
(My kids' heads were cut off at the bottom.
I'd love to have a picture if anyone has one that included all children.)

Happy Holidays

8th Birthday and Christmas decorating

Grams Trimble's Memorial Service

Stapleton Christmas-roasting marshmallows, not chestnuts
Dix Christmas-feel the love
New Year's Day sledding party

Monday, January 10, 2011

Still More Themes of 2010

THEME 5: Sarah. She stuck with us through freezing corn, moving, teaching school, sickness and so much more. And she's engaged! Congratulations!

THEME 6: School Days.

THEME 7: Pools and Pets.

THEMES 8 - 10: Unpublished Extended Family and Church Family names. There were many intercessions, weeping with those who wept. There were also many days of rejoicing.

More top Themes of 2010

THEME 4: First Rental

THEME 3: Sovereign Grace Album Come Weary Saints

Themes of 2010

THEME 2: Decision-Making. Every choice for something is also a choice against something. Disappointment, Waiting on the Lord, then Peace. (This is a view from our front porch.)

THEME 1: Getting Rural


A few weeks ago I wrote a stand-up comedy post about "Adult Pen Pals." Somehow by trying to enter it through iGoogle, the post disappeared. I was really bummed cuz it was really funny. But maybe it was deleted because it had a titch of meanness.

So on a serious-er note, this has been another great time of year to look back and trace God's hand in our lives. A year ago I would never have thought we'd be where we are today. We did know a change was coming because we're both at an age and stage of life that begs movement. Not only did we have the itch, we had the familial (no baby on the way), financial (no debt), social (no roots),and spiritual ("If the Lord wills we will do such and such")freedom to make some sort of move. We have prayed over our list of desires year after year and sent out loads of feelers. We have knocked on doors; many slammed.

The one that opened was staying in the same jobs and moving just an hour out into the country. Not so romantic as a few other ideas, but a "desire of our heart" nonetheless. We feel like complete woosses compared to missionaries and military who move constantly. We had sort of got into a routine, the disrupting of which has made us realize we'd lost some flexibility. In other words, moving is not easy! Kudos to those for whom moving is a lifestyle. My prayer journal from Spring 2010 includes "I'm scared of moving and I'm scared to death we might never move!"

OK, sister, now for some pictures.