Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Top Ten ... Part Two

#4 CHURCH:  We continued to worship and work with Hall Church.  
It is like a beginning church plant in many ways.

#3 SCHOOL:  We had everything from Kindergarten Grads to Jr. High,
baseball, volleyball, and basketball, and the new South Loup Homeschool Group

#2 CANCER:  We know too many dear ones with life-threatening diseases.  
Especially dear to us was Debbie Banks, who went to heaven on Thanksgiving Day.
We prayed daily for Amy Most and Anna Sutton, who are still fighting to live.

#1 MARRIAGES:  There is a major battle for marriages and families. 
We have prayed for family after family, and we are not immune.  
We took this promise for our relationship while we were engaged, and we still hold it:
  "For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him, against that Day." 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Top Ten of 2013: "Things are Bad"

We received a Christmas card from an aunt who wanted us to be aware of a health need.  She ended her greeting with "Things are Bad," in her cursive.  We have laughed about that and it's become a code word for several situations.  You know, how many people are actually brave enough to say so on their Christmas card when things aren't great?  We didn't have a great 2013.  There.   

And here are the top ten reasons.  Just Kidding!  Things weren't all bad. Lots and lots of great things happened last year.

#5 WORK:  Due to retirement of the old, a new Fire Chief and Assistant Chief were chosen.  
Jason got to spend a lot more time "in the principal's office." 

#6 TRAVEL:  We were blessed to be able to travel to see our dear friends in Wisconsin,
our family camp-out in Utah, and a few other short visits.  

#7 TRIMBLES:  Yep, almost all of them made it out to our place for an awesome weekend in July.
Dave & Kathy came east several times, 
Ashley ventured back to Uganda, and Rob & Liz announced they are expecting a baby.

#8  BEES:  We attended classes, read books, and purchased our first nucs.  
We are rooting for them to survive this long Nebraska winter.

#9 THE QUESTIONS:  Matt & Liz found each other, and began pre-marriage counseling.
Zack & India were married and had a baby, Jessica and Shane were married.
Lacy and Isaac, Caleb and Jen were engaged.
Cherise-David and Brady-Janelle both had baby girls.
Sarah and Pete, Jon & Denielle announced due dates of their new babies.

#10 KID MILESTONES:   Aiden had a 12th birthday weekend away with his Dad.
Taliah and Aiden were both baptized in the Dismal River.

Monday, February 10, 2014

I would tell you about our Medieval Times studies...

...but my son is waiting for me to go downstairs and joust with him ...

Hope I don't lose my head!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Setting Goals

Jason and I try to set goals for the year each January.  I have used the categories set out in Crown Financial Ministries' Money Map to make broad, over all goals.

Money Map

Then, I have taken the advice of someone I don't article I read?  a radio program? ... anyhow, I wrote it out by hand ages ago.  So we divide up the year into quarters, then months.  I transfer the overall goals into a to-do list, sliding them into the quarters or months, taking into consideration what other things we know will be going on at that time of year.

Once a month I check over that quarter's goals, and put the things onto our weekly family calendar.  We really prioritize our short-term goals (needs, not wants), and keep evaluating and praying about the long-term goals.  Sometimes those long-term goals turn out to be just wants, or our priorities change, and they are replaced or go away.  

Now, life, and kids, are full of surprises that don't fit on goal sheets.

And then, there are our personalities. I am a list-making, planning person, but Jason is used to waiting for the "tones" of the next call.  Obviously, we can drive each other crazy in our outlooks on life, yet we need each other's perspective.  All of life's surprises and the differences between us keep us dependent on God, Who knows the Plan He has for us, and Who is our Shepherd.   

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Staycation

We caroled.

We baked.

We visited our neighbors.

We cleaned.

We went to church.

                     We shared 3 glorious days with family & friends.

We ate.

We exchanged presents.

We played games.

We slept quite a bit.

We watched TV.

We read books.

We talked on the phone.

We made crafts.

We rode our bikes.

We saw cousins.

We went ice skating.  

We were refreshed, and

We are thankful.