Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pause the Game

We have started potty training the twins. They haven't noticed yet.

The other day (0 degrees F) when I was rushing madly between the bathroom, the fireplace, the laundry room, the rag bag, the kitchen, the fireplace, the homeschool table, the bathroom, the laundry room . . . a thought came to me that it was like being on a new level of a video game. I'm not a gamer, but I know there are different levels to earn and each one throws new difficulty at you to juggle. Just when things were minorly leveling, we bumped up to the potty training level. :)

Now, I've heard that video games can be addictive, and some of the addiction signs are dreaming about the game, mullling over the plot line during the day, feeling a personal connection to the game's characters. Well, if those are the criteria, then I guess I'm hooked.

I went to the stairs and called up to the kids, "Lunch time!" I heard Aiden tell the others, "Guys, PAUSE THE GAME!"

1 comment:

  1. That was so funny! I can especially relate to the running from place to place. Seems I do more running from here to there than I do getting anything finished. I start lots of things though. I am glad you started this blog. My sister and bro-in-law have one and it is fun read other peoples thoughts on life with little ones. Miss you guys!
