Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday October 18

This is the last daily saga. I didn't mention all the phone calls to experienced bison handlers or all the phone calls and personal visits to landowners. So far, 1 cow is still missing, last seen Thursday about sunset by yours truly. The other 3 are staying put. We had a normal church day today & painted the cutest fall trees in Wee Worship. They are for decorations for the church thanksgiving dinner. Taliah attended a birthday party. We attended a fundraiser for our neighbor's daughter whose body is racked with cancer. I begin my annual 40 days of Thanksgiving today. Each day I will be praying for Orphan Care around the world. With the kids I'll get out Thanksgiving decorations, read Thanksgiving stories, sing our favorite Thanksgiving & praise songs, bake stuff, make stuff, and fill out a calendar with Thankful things each day. Maybe we'll make our Thanksgiving tree again for the table. We try to do just one little activity per day, even if it's just reading a book.
I'm thankful for my neighbor, (whose oldest daughter is dying--in her 20s with a 5 year old boy) who reminded me that some day I'll be thankful for the permanent paint splotches on the new deck boards because my kids won't be around to do things like that anymore.


  1. Oh Sadie . . . did she ever come home?

  2. Sades,
    I loved your daily writings. I am so sorry about those bison! I'll be praying! Praying for you as well as your minister to your neighbor family! I love your 40 days of thanksgiving. Great idea. I need to be reminded to be thankful, I am blessed. I have so many things to be thankful for! Thank you for the reminder!
